Saturday, April 3, 2010

My First Nikonian Academy Class - 27 March 2010

This photo was taken after attending the theory session , model very Pro n handsome.

Jeslyn is our another model, she is very Pro too and sweet looking.

My trainer Andrew Boey said : this can be a commercial used photo... Do you think so ??

How about this one ? Give me a kind of feel like cigarette advertisement...

This one too.... Actually the technique is to use a fill in flash to point at the 12 'o clock of the model face, set the aperture to F16 and the sync speed of the flash set to /120s and try to shoot low from the ground..... Wa la.... here you get another commercial feel photo...

I like the tower crane behind the model, it give me the ideal of tilting angle at 45 degree.

Indirectly help the ah loon to advertise their business, I think we should collect some fee from them....

Andrew Boey separate us into two groups, one shouting the male model while the other will be shooting the female model....

This is a indoor session, Andrew Boey want us to shoot at this angle because he want us to feel the difference of the back light from outside and inside the studio..

After the shooting session, our trainer collect all our memory card to gather our photos to put into a slide show..... During the slide show Andrew Boey will comments on each of the photo which he feel good or not......And guess what.....he told the class ...this above picture is the best photo among all of it..... Wooh .... Everyone immediately check through their own camera and I didn't realize that photo was taken by me cause I have already put my camera into my own backpack...

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